for Education Inc

Training Roadmap

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Levels are based on the degree

 of TOC knowledge being taught

Click Image for TOCfE School Certification Criteria

TOC Thinking and Communication Tools

The CLOUD is a graphic organizer that defines and analyzes a problem through different points of view in a way that eliminates the conflict without compromising important needs.
The Logic Branch is a logical structure that describes through cause-effect relationships how an entry point leads to outcomes.
The Ambitious Target Tree is a logical structure that analyzes obstacles to ambitious targets in order to develop feasible strategic plans that convert stumbling blocks into stepping stones called intermediate objectives.
The Transition Tree is a diagram that analyzes the logic of actions in order to provide clear instructions and to ensure that actions lead to desired outcomes.
The Categories of Legitimate Reservations (CLRS) is a set of questions used to clarify internal and external communication in a way that fosters polite discourse. These questions represent concerns or doubts that prevent us from accepting information wholeheartedly.